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How much does it cost to develop an app? | App Development Cost Breakdown

App Development Cost

According to Statista, 2.3 million apps are available for Android users and the Apple App Store is the second largest app store with two million available apps as of August 2024. 257 billion apps were downloaded in 2023. It is estimated that there will be 38 billion downloads from the Apple app store and 143 billion downloads from Google Play by 2026. According to, the application development market is estimated to grow by USD 818.35 billion by 2030 at a compound annual growth rate of 38.2%.

Not only this, a report from Appmysite, mobile application is projected to generate more than 613 billion U.S. dollars by 2025 with mobile games contributing the biggest revenue share among all categories. The cost of developing a simple app that comes with a basic user feature such as user profile facility, login system, limited administration and dashboard is $4000 to $40000. The medium complex cost of app development is $40000 to $100000.

What your business is missing out by not being digital?

Reports showcase that more than 50 percent of mobile users first check their mobiles after waking up. The absence of a mobile app means missing out on opportunities for customer engagement and growth. As more users now prefer communication, entertainment, and shopping, businesses that don’t adapt to mobile apps are lagging behind. As per Statscounter, 50 percent of global traffic is coming from mobile devices. App development has become necessary for businesses in this digital age.

Benefits of App Development for Businesses

Let us throw light on the benefits of App development for Businesses

  • Customer engagementPeople spend more time in mobile apps than in mobile browsers. This helps businesses to improve their customer engagement. Businesses can engage with their target audience with a mobile application. Businesses can enrich customer engagement with the help of an app.
  • Data Security – Digital presence is increasing day-by-day so there is a risk of data security. The customized application offers better data security for businesses.
  • Better customer loyalty – Customer loyalty is one of the important factors any business should consider. 84 percent of people say that they would prefer a loyal company that provides loyalty programs. Instead of depending on physical punch cards, brands must create a mobile app to track loyalty programs.
  • Utilize social media handles. – One of the major benefits of mobile apps is they can connect to other online services that include various social media handles. Users can connect more easily to an app than a website through social media, as it is used more on mobile devices than a laptop. Social media networks help brands use their APIs that help them create an effortless integrated social experience in their own mobile app.
  • Seamless Maintenance – Having a mobile application helps businesses to have complete control of their digital presence and they don’t have to depend on anyone else for anything.

Worldwide Popular Apps and Their App Development Cost

Let us know some of the Worldwide popular apps that have evolved the customer experience and how much a mobile app development costs according to their complexity and design:

1. Uber

Uber logo

Uber is a ride-sharing app that connects drivers and users worldwide. Customers may schedule their drive or request a ride quickly. Requests are received by nearby drivers. The cost of developing the Uber app is $20000 to $80000.


  • Multiple drop-offs
  • Fare splitting
  • Ride Sharing
  • Driver Tracking
  • Ride booking
  • Fare Calculator

2. Snapchat

There are 300 million users on Snapchat. Snapchat is a multimedia instant messaging app that provides interactive lenses, and augmented reality through filters that help users to share self-destructible multimedia messages in only 10 seconds. The Android app development cost of Snapchat is $80000. If you choose both Android and iOS app development cost is $150000.


  • Memories
  • Snap Map
  • Camera modes
  • Discover
  • Stores
  • Chat

3. WhatsApp

Whatsapp logo

WhatsApp is a voice-over IP and instant messaging service that helps users send video messages, and audio messages, share locations, documents, images, content, and make video and voice calls. Whatsapp web app development cost is $20000 to $55000.


  • Express yourself
  • Stay connected
  • Message privately
  • Build community

4. Netflix

Netflix Logo

Netflix is the leading media streaming channel around the world. It allows people to watch movies and shows at their convenience. The average Nextflix app development cost is $15000 to $150000.


  • Streaming
  • Downloading
  • Accessing
  • Profiles

5. Coursera

Coursera logo

Coursera is a leading e-learning app that has gained popularity among teachers and students. Coursera provides a range of distance learning programs that include university degree to skill development courses around the world. The app development cost of Coursera is $40000 to $80000.


  • Online Degree
  • Academic integrity tools
  • Personalized schedules
  • Learning quiz grades

6. Tinder

Tinder logo

Tinder is an online networking and dating application that allows users to swipe left or right to like or dislike other user’s profiles including short bio, interests and photos. The average cost of development for a Tinder app is $20000 to $200000.


  • Match
  • Chat
  • Connect
  • Profile prompts

7. Twitter

twitter logo

Twitter is a microblogging and social networking site that helps users to share, post and communicate with short messages called tweets. The average app development cost of Twitter ranges from $80000 to $300000.


  • Tweets
  • Customized tweet alerts
  • Create Twitter moments
  • Hashtag

8. Spotify

Spotify Logo

Spotify is a digital podcast, video streaming and music service that helps users listen to millions of songs and other content from creators across the globe. Spotify app development cost is $30000 to $ 200000.


  • Offline listening songs
  • Play songs in any order
  • Listen with friends anytime
  • High audio quality

9. Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media channel that allows people to save, discover and share their visual ideas. Pinterest app development costs are around $15000 to $80000.


  • Smart feed
  • Search and explore
  • Visual discovery
  • Save button

10. Instagram

Instagram logo

Instagram is a free social media handle that helps to share photos, reels, videos and stories for users around the world. The average app development costs of Instagram range between $25000 to $250000.


  • Stories
  • Reels
  • Posts
  • DMs
  • Live streaming
  • Broadcast channels
  • Bio
  • Collab posts
  • Geotagging

App Development Cost : In-House Team vs Freelancer vs App Development Company

inhouse vs freelancer vs company for app development

1. Hiring an In-house app development team

In-House Team for App Development

To build a full-fledged in-house app development team is a tedious job, you have to go through the normal hiring process of full-time employees, interviewing, training, onboarding, screening and assessing. Also, you have to provide vacation, insurance and project bonuses along with meal plans as per company standards for an in-house app development team. Let us discuss more about the pros and cons of an in-house app development team.


Let us discuss the pros of hiring an in-house app development team:

  • Cultural Fit – Your dedicated app development team will share the company’s culture and they will understand your requirements and share the same values that your company holds.
  • Direct Interaction – The in-house team updates and provides feedback on the app they are working on much faster. Direct interaction helps them to collaborate with the team, other teams and the company.
  • Greater control – When a brand decides to have an in-house team for app development, they can control what they do. It includes how the project is developed and whether your team is meeting the necessary deadlines for the project. Hiring an in-house app development team offers greater control.
  • Business Priority – The team’s priority is on the core business activities as the team works for the business. All the tasks are prioritized and quality-based workers are tested by you when the task is assigned. Tasks can be changed on the sport if required. So, they can provide the best app development assistance if any problem arises.


We discussed the pros above, now let us discuss the cons of hiring an in-house app development team.

  • High Costs Involved – The most important factor is hiring an in-house team includes additional expenses like ongoing employee training, additional perks, insurance, vacations and leaves. Also, the team will need proper office space and equipment to develop a mobile application. The average cost of hiring in-house app development is $15000 to $300000.
  • Tech Limitation – Because of the limited team, the app development may not be properly developed due to technical limitations. For instance, the required technology may not be available to the current team. Also, the project may lack the right expertise. In such a scenario, there is a huge risk the mobile app may not meet the expectations.
  • Time-consuming recruitment – You have to find the right candidates for hiring an in-house app development team and create tasks to check the skills of candidates.
  • Limited team  – Having a limitation of the local talent pool, the company may not be able to find a talented team of experts. Also, it may take time for skilled professionals to relocate which includes additional expenses.

2. Hiring a Freelancer for Mobile App Development

Freelancer for App Development

Freelancers are self-employed professionals who provide app development services to prospects on a project-by-project basis. They may work from any corner of the world and they set their own hours and rates.


Here are the pros of hiring a freelancer for mobile app development:

  • Price – You have to pay for a particular work. Freelancers come with lower hourly rates compared to companies. They work independently without a team and solely do the work.
  • Good for Quick Projects – Freelancers are best for mobile app and web app development projects that have a proper deadline. If you need to build something without any additional assistance or post-launch maintenance, a freelancer is a good option instead of hiring an in-house expert.
  • One-on-One Communication – Hiring freelancers means communicating directly without the intermediary of managers. This is no doubt a positive attribute of hiring a freelancer for application development.
  • Specialised Skillset – Freelancers focus on niches with high demand. For this reason, they are experts in certain skills. For instance, you can find a freelance app developer who is good at developing mobile applications using Flutter.


Let us know the cons of hiring a freelancer for app development:

  • Dependency on Individual Skills – You have to depend on the freelancer skillset which is a risk. You may face unnecessary delays or encounter challenges that may impact your project deadlines and success. Also, when choosing a company for app development means having the required expertise that caters for your needs.
  • Potential Overruns – Freelancers charge less compared to in-house team and company expenses, but there may be some additional expenses involved. Potential revisions, updates, and ongoing maintenance might lead to budget overruns over time.
  • Lack of Structured Processes – Freelancers might not follow the proper structure that companies implement. There may be a lack of formal processes that may impact the delivery of the project.
  • Reliability and Accountability Concerns – The lack of formal structure may result in problems related to accountability and reliability. Freelancers may fail to complete the project on time or there may be challenges in offering consistent communication. The average costs involved in hiring a freelancer for an app development project is $7000 to $200000 depending on the project. 

3. Hiring a Company for a mobile app development

Hiring an App Development Company

Let us throw light on the pros and cons of hiring a company for mobile app development:


Let us understand the pros of hiring a company for mobile app development:

  • Quicker time-to-market – Thanks to the professional team who is ready to deliver the project on time and ready to work. Building a team from scratch is a difficult process. Hiring a company who is ready to develop a mobile application as per your needs helps to market your product faster.
  • Experience and Quality – Hiring a company with years of rich experience and a talented team of experts will provide top-notch services. High-quality processes and experts will help offer a great customer experience and desired results.
  • Access to global talent – Hiring a company for mobile app development provides a range of candidates outside the local market. It aids connect to skilled workforce from across the globe.
  • Save App Development Cost – Hiring a company for mobile app development helps you save the costs. Typically, the company charges $5000 to $100000 for mobile app development. You can save a lot of money if you choose a company rather than hiring a freelancer or in-house team for mobile app development.


Let us understand the cons of hiring a company for mobile app development:

  • Communication Gap – When you hire a company, it is possible that you may encounter issues due to cultural language gaps or time zone differences. It is difficult to pass feedback or communicate if your team works in a different time zone or you don’t understand the language.
  • Reduced Control – When you hire a company for mobile app development, the company should remember that introducing changes might take time. As more people are involved in the project, the flow of cooperation also gets extended.
  • Quality Management – As companies have many projects going on at once, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one project. This is the reason why companies require continuous engagement with the client and daily reports on all ongoing jobs.
  • Security and Privacy Concerns – When you are working with a company, you don’t know the complete app development process. You are also not aware whether the company is sharing any confidential details with the third party. These risks may be minimized by having a signed agreement with your company.

App Development Cost Based on 6 App Development Stages

App Development Cost Based on App Development Stages

Let us discuss the app development cost based on different stages of mobile app development so that you will accurately know what each stage costs:

  1. Discovery stage

The first stage of mobile app development is the discovery stage. This process includes planning, pre-research, strategy or discovery, documentation, business plan and market analysis. This is the initial stage of app development where the development team will ask you about your application goals. 10 percent of the total app development cost goes into the discovery stage and may take 20-200 hours to complete the discovery stage of app development. The estimated cost for discovery stage development is $700 to $7000.

The final document must include the following details:

  • Market research
  • MVP concept
  • Competitive analysis
  • Objective declaration
  • A clear project roadmap.
  1. Design Stage

The next stage is the Design stage, which includes user experience design, wireframing, software prototyping, and visual design. The design phase decides whether it will win the hearts of users or not. The Design stage of app development takes 10-15 percent of the cost of developing an app and may take 2-3 weeks to complete. The estimated cost of design stage app development is $1500 to $6000.

  1. Development Stage

The third stage is the development stage and this is the most expensive stage of app development, where the functionalities decide the estimated app development cost. The more complex the feature, the more time it will take to develop the app and will increase the mobile app development cost. Also, in this development stage, data storage, data encryption, third-party integration, userbase, and application architecture need a focus. The estimated development stage costs are $2000 to $40000.

  1. App Testing

The testing stage checks the app’s quality. The testing phase plays a crucial role in estimating the cost of making a mobile app as you don’t have to spend on post-launch bug fixing. The testing stage by the quality assurance team helps to ensure user satisfaction and avoid any glitches and lags to release the app with zero issues. The estimated cost of testing app development cost is $1500 to $2000.

  1. Deployment Stage

The deployment stage includes the process of updating, installing, configuring and enabling one application that makes an app available for use. The development stage app development cost is $1500 to $2000.

  1. Maintenance Stage

During the process of app development, maintenance follows the design, launch and development stages. The maintenance phase costs are 20 percent of the development costs. The estimated cost of maintenance stage development is $4000 to $40,000.

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Top 9 Factors That Affect Your Mobile App Development Cost

Top 9 Factors That Affect Your Mobile App Development Cost

App development cost depends on different factors. Understanding these factors that affect your mobile app development cost will provide you with the best return on your mobile app development. Also, it will aid you to stay within your budget. Let us discuss the top 9 factors that affect your mobile app development cost:

  1. App Complexity

The cost of developing a simple app is $3000 to $30000. A simple app includes basic features such as a dashboard, limited administration, login system and user profile facility. A medium-cost app includes features such as app monetization and user engagement. It also includes basic features such as video or audio streaming, privacy, payment gateway and social media integration. The medium-cost app development is $40,000 to $1,00,000. The cost of complex app development is $80,000 to $2,50,000. The complex app is integrated with technology such as machine learning and Artificial intelligence or VR. Complex app features include high-end data logic, multi-language assistance and much more.

  1. Platform

The most crucial step when starting the process of app development is choosing a platform. Based on the target audience, you may choose to develop Android app development, web or iOS app development. If you are a startup with less budget, it is better to choose one platform initially and then switch to multiple platforms.

Here are different app development platforms to choose from:

  • Web App Platform – Progressive web applications and other forms of web apps are cost-efficient compared to native apps. The web app development costs are $10000 to $40000.
  • Native App Platform (Android and iOS) – iOS app development takes place on Objective C and Swift. While the Android app development is done on Kotlin or Java. The average cost of native app platform development is $40000 to $80000.
  • Hybrid App Platform – Hybrid App Platform is a blend of web and native apps. It runs in a web view component and is installed like a native app. The average cost of a hybrid app platform is $8000 to $130000.
  • Cross-App Platform – Getting an Android and iOS app development is the new cost-efficient market trend. It offers several benefits such as less development effort and single use of code. The cross-platform is divided between React Native and Flutter platform. The average cost of cross-app development is $20000 to $40000.
  1. Type of App

The cost of development of mobile apps is split into four types based on complexity and size: small, medium, large and bespoke or customized app development.

  • Small Apps – Small apps are well-designed for a single platform and have basic functions such as user interface and minimum functions. They don’t need API integration or backend development. Examples of small apps are Instagram, Spotify and Canva. The average cost of developing a small app is $10000 to $25000.
  • Medium Apps – Medium apps are developed for a single platform but provide payment gateway options, customized user interfaces and other features. Apple TV app is the best example of a medium apps. The average cost of medium app development is $40000 to $120000.
  • Large Apps – Complex Apps have more features such as multi-lingual support, professional design, third-party integrations, custom animations and much more. To store and maintain huge databases, complex apps are developed. The best example of a complex or large app is Postmates or Uber. The average cost of complex app development is $200000 to $1000000.
  • Bespoke or customized apps – Bespoke or customized apps are custom-made applications that are well-designed according to the client requirements, and business processes efficiently and accurately. There are no license fees involved in the customized apps. A bespoke or customized app is a company’s property once developed. These apps are developed to match the requirements of a particular company to provide a user-friendly interface, solve problems, and blend into seamless business systems. The average cost of Bespoke or customized app development is $30000 to $300000. An example of bespoke or customized app development is Amazon or eBay.
  1. Design and User Interface

A visually appealing user interface is important for the success of the mobile application. Designing a user interface that is visually appealing and user-friendly involves UX/UI professionals who understand consumer behaviour. Their expertise adds to the expenses of app development. The average cost of design and user interface app development is $1000 to $4000.

  1. Backend Development

Maintenance of backend development and setting up including databases, APIs and servers is another factor that impacts the app development cost. Ongoing maintenance and scalability considerations also contribute to the cost of the project. Backend development cost ranges from $3000 to $10000 based on the complexity.

  1. Third-Party Integrations

Several apps depend on third parties such as mapping services, analytics tools or payment gateways. Integrating these third-party services needs additional development costs that include licensing fees too. The average third-party integrations app development cost is $30 to $300 every month for simple apps and $300 to $700 for medium and complex apps.

  1. Security Features

Ensuring the app security is the most crucial aspect of maintaining trust and protecting user data. Implementation of robust security features such as secure data storage and encryption adds to the app development cost while protecting the sensitive details of your customers. The average security feature cost is $3000 to $12000.

  1. Licenses and Subscriptions

The developer has to pay a licensing fee to use the technology which increases the cost of developing mobile applications. The number of devices and cost of a license decide the yearly fees of licenses. A licensing charge for 50 devices can cost $100000 to $120000 every year. A user has to buy a subscription plan to access specific features for which the app is popular. There are monthly, per-day and quarterly subscriptions are available. The average cost of a subscription is $500 to $7000.

  1. Support and Updates

Another factor to consider is how much does it cost for support and updates of mobile application. The support and updates include updating new features, bug fixing, and getting ready for a new version of the iOS. It depends on how complex the features are and what you would like to add every year. App support is a necessary service even if you have no plans to add new features or scale up the application. The average cost of support and updates is $1000 to $10000 depending on the complexity of the app.

App Design Cost

App Design Cost

Let us discuss the total app design cost:

Type of Work
App Design Cost
UX Design
$2000 - $6000
UI Design
$7000 - $35000
Icon Branding
$3000 - $15000
UX Writing
$1000 - $10000
  1. UX Design

UX Design is the process of designing products that are fun to use. The user experience design means UX design. UX designers take a high-level view of the user’s journey and focus on ensuring that each user finds value in their communication with a product. The average cost of UX design is $2000 to $6000.

  1. UI Design

UI design is a user interface design that is responsible for designing and creating the elements that a user will communicate with when using an app. It includes graphics, buttons, sliders or other interactive elements. The average cost of UI design development is $7000 to $35000.

  1. Icon Branding

Icon Brand is an integral part of a brand’s identity and a simplified version of the brand’s logo that aids clients to associate with the brand. It also includes social media, icons and the logo of the brand. The average cost of icon branding is $3000 to $15000.

  1. UX Writing

UX Writing is the practice of writing text for apps or websites to aid users explore and interact with the brand. UX writers create microcopy means small text that helps users to know the product such as menu items, error messages, notifications and styles. The average cost of UX writing is $1000 to $10000 depending on the requirement.

App Development Cost Based on Functions

The average app development cost is $30000 (Rs 2,40,000) to $250000 (Rs 2,07,00,000) and may go up to $300000 (Rs 2,40,00,000) or even more.

App Type
App Development Cost
Time Frame
Simple App
$20000 - $100000
1-2 Months
Medium App
$80000 - $150000
Complex App
$200000 - $250000
5-10 Months
Bespoke / Customized App
$7000 - $250000
4-12 Months
  1. Simple App Development Cost

The Simple app development comes with a push notification, simple user interface, user profile, and minimum content display. The time frame for simple app development is 1-2 months to complete. The average cost of simple app development is $20000 to $100000.

  1. Medium App Development Cost

Medium development apps are more difficult to develop as they include a bunch of content, and interactive elements such as online learning apps, e-commerce apps and fitness apps. The average time for medium app completion is 2-5 months. Medium app development costs range from $80000 to $150000.

  1. Complex App Development Cost

Complex applications include third-party integrations, responsive design and other additional features. The time required for a complex app development is 6 months to a year. The costs of creating a complex app are $200000 to more than $250000.

Cost of App Development Based on Technology

Let us understand the cost of app development based on different technologies including:

  1. Artificial Intelligence  App Development

Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms offer smart functionalities like predictive analysis and recommendation systems. Using Artificial intelligence methods demands development efforts and expertise that adds to the app development cost using Artificial intelligence. The average cost of Artificial intelligence apps ranges between $40000 to $200000.

  1. AR/VR App Development

AR and VR apps are made to cater to real-world experiences by overlaying digital information or making virtual backgrounds. AR/VR includes 3D modelling, interactive content, animation and much more. The average cost of developing an AR/VR based app ranges from $30000 to $250000 based on the graphics quality and other factors.

  1. Internet of Things (IoT) App Development

Internet of Things-based applications means the embedded software development to run on the IoT devices. IoT apps include diverse hardware components and adding complex features to the app engineering. The cost of IoT development is $20000 to $200000.

  1. Blockchain App Development

Blockchain applications are complex applications that function on decentralized ledgers to tamper-proof transactions. Blockchain apps include smart contracts, strict regulatory compliance, integration challenges and security measures. The cost of blockchain apps ranges from $40000 to $150000.

  1. React Native App Development

React Native App Development includes React Native Framework to develop cross-platform applications for Android and iOS. The average cost of React Native Cost of App Development is $10000 to $100000.

  1. Node js App Development

Node js is a cross-platform and open-source platform runtime environment that helps developers develop server-side applications and tools in JavaScript. The average cost of Node js application development ranges from $50000 to $100000.

  1. Java App Development

Java is well-known for its scalability, memory management and scalability for handling complex web-based tasks. The cost of Java App Development ranges between $300 to $3000.

  1. Flutter App Development

To develop a simple and basic feature flutter app costs around $40000 to $100000. The average range of developing a flutter app costs between $10000 to $100000. To develop a high complexity along with multiple integrations flutter app costs between $100000 to $200000.

  1. Swift App Development

Swift App Development uses Swift programming language and includes native iOS application development. The average cost of Swift App development ranges between $7000 to $200000.

Cost of App Development Based on Platform

The choice of running applications on specific platforms also affects the cost of developing an app. Let us throw light on the Cost of App Development Based on Platform:

App Development Cost
$60000 - $200000
$60000 - $200000
$7000 - $100000
Web App
$3000 - $200000
$7000 - $200000
Cross-Platform App
$50000 - $150000
Bespoke App
$7000 - $250000
PWA (Progressive Web App)
$10000 - $80000
  • iOS (Apple) app – iOS (Apple) applications are made to work on iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. These iOS devices are run on an iOS operating system that uses Objective-C programming languages and Swift programming language. The cost of iOS app development cost ranges between $60000 to $200000.
  • Android app – Android app based on Android is a mobile application made to operate on the Android operating system of Google and interact with the device’s elements. The cost of Android app development cost ranges between $60000 to $200000.
  • Hybrid app (Android+Apple) – Hybrid app development is the process of developing an app that runs on Android and Apple devices such as Android and iOS operating systems using a single codebase. Hybrid apps combine web apps and native elements, helping developers to write code once and use it on different platforms. The cost of Hybrid app development ranges from $7000 to $100000.
  • Web app – A web app is developed to function across browsers on different devices and costs less to develop initially compared to a native app. The web app development cost ranges between $3000 to $200000.
  • Native App Development – Native App development includes building applications for a single platform such as Android or iOS using a specific language such as Kotlin for Android or Swift for iOS. The cost of Native app development ranges from $7000 to $200000.
  • Cross-platform app – Cross Platform app development runs on different platforms and is made with Flutter by using a single code base. The average cost cross-platform app ranges between $50000 to $150000.
  • Bespoke App/ Customized App – Bespoke App development or Customized app development involves building software application from scratch catered to meet unique preferences and requirements. Bespoke Application provides a unique and fully customized user experience making sure that your app features, functionality and design align with your business needs. The cost of Bespoke or Customized app development is $7000 to $250000.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Development – Progressive Web App Development combines mobile and web app features, offering a native-like experience on web browsers. The range of progressive web app development costs $10000 to $80000.

App Development Cost Based on Industry

There are various types of apps and choosing the app based on industry impacts on your app development cost.

App Development Cost
$30000 - $200000
Apple Health, Teladoc
$7000 - $150000
Tour and Travel
$7000 - $50000
$30000 - $300000
Robinhood, MoneyLion
Social Networking
$20000 - $80000
Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram
$50000 - $250000
Coursera, Udemy
$70000 - $120000
Amazon, Ebay
Real Estate
$10000 - $80000
$7000 - $300000
$15000 - $150000
Candy Crush, Pokemon Go
$7000 - $40000
$40000 - $100000
Google Fit
Media and news
$7000 - $30000
Google News, Flipboard
$7000 - $30000
Netflix, Amazon Prime

Healthcare Apps

Healthcare apps comply with the secure handling of data, and medical devices integration and meet healthcare guidelines. The average cost of healthcare apps ranges between $30000 to $200000.

Healthcare App Development
Logistics App Development

Logistics Apps

Logistics Apps is a well-designed and hassle-free app for goods storage and optimization of transportation-related operations and automating manually related jobs. The average range between Logistics Apps is $7000 to $150000.

Tour and Travel Apps

Tour and Travel Apps are used for booking and planning travel and offer information on tour destinations and monuments. The best example of a tour and travel app is Airbnb. The average range of tour and travel app development is $7000 to $50000.

Tour and Travel App Development
Fintech App Development

Fintech Apps

Fintech Apps uses financial technology to offer financial servers to users on their smartphones. Fintech means the use of new technologies to automate financial services. The best example of a fintech app is Robinhood or MoneyLion. The average cost of fintech app development is $30000 to $300000.

Social Networking App

Creating a social network app ranges from $20000 to $80000. Social networking app needs messaging, user profiles, social interactions and media sharing where their costs are based on push notifications, scalability and real-time updates. Examples of social networking apps are Pinterest, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Social Networking App Development
Education App Development

Education Apps

The execution and planning of education apps may be costly. Education apps help online learning and educational sources that include course distribution, virtual classrooms, and training. The features of education apps such as progress tracking, user engagement tools and multimedia content. The average cost of developing an education app is $50000 to $250000.

E-commerce Apps

E-commerce App features are secure transactions, multi-platform assistance and inventory management. Examples of E-commerce apps such as eBay, Amazon and Alibaba. The average cost of E-commerce apps ranges between $70000 to $120000.

Ecommerce App Development
Real Estate App Development

Real Estate Apps

Real Estate Apps is a platform that aids with management and real estate transactions. The cost of real estate app development is $10000 to $80000. The best example of a Real Estate app is Realtor.

CRM Apps

CRM app means a customer relationship management tool that aids businesses in managing their engagement with prospects. The best example of a CRM app is Salesforce. The CRM App development cost is $7000 to $300000.

CRM App Development
Gaming App Development

Gaming Apps

Gaming App features include 2D and 3D experience including multiplayer functionality. Gaming app features include graphics, complex UI and high processing power. The average cost of gaming app development is $15000 to $150000.

Booking App

Booking App is a mobile app that helps users to book services including food delivery, travel, reservations and cleaning. Booking app example is Booking. The average cost of booking an app is $7000 to $40000.

Booking App Development
Fitness App Development

Fitness App

A fitness app is a mobile device that helps users to get fit with nutrition, training, exercise and other methods to get fit. The best example of a fitness app is Google Fit. Fitness App development cost is $40000 to $100000.

Media or News App

Media or New app is a software app that offers information and news to users on smartphones. News apps aid users to stay up to date with science, news and politics. The best examples of media or news apps are Flipboard, Ground News and Google News. The average cost of Media or News app development is $7000 to $30000.

Entertainment App Development

Entertainment App

Entertainment apps help people to access TV shows, music, games and movies. Entertainment apps are gaining popularity due to watching personalized content as per individual choice and on-demand access. The best example of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. The entertainment app development cost is $7000 to $30000.

Country Wise App Development Cost

The country-wide app development cost impacts the overall cost of app development. Let us discuss in detail about Country Wise App Development Cost:

iOS (Per Hour)
Android (Per Hour)
Web (Per Hour)

App Development Maintenance and Updates Cost

Let us discuss the app development maintenance and update cost:

1. Simple App

A simple app is a single platform and includes no data storage, limited integration and basic functions. It takes 2-3 months to develop a simple app and the cost of an average simple app is $30000 to $100000. The calculator and SMS app is the simple app example. The cost of maintenance of Simple App is $1000 to $2000. The cost of Simple app updates is $1000 to $20000.


  • Notifications
  • File Uploads
  • Search
  • Profile Management

2. Medium App Development

A medium app has more features including data storage and social media. The medium app also comes with third-party integrations such as a payment gateway. It takes 3-5 months to develop a medium app. The average cost of medium app development is $100000 to $150000. Swiggy, Uber and Zomato are examples of Medium app development. The cost of maintenance of Medium app development is $8000 to $15000. The cost of a medium app update is $10000 to $80000.


  • Geo-location
  • Gallery
  • Camera
  • In-App purchases
  • Payment integration

3. Complex App Development

A complex app is a custom application and needs different infrastructure elements such as multiple platforms, complex third-party API integration and multiple personas. It takes 5-10 months to develop a complex app development. The average cost of developing complex app development is $100000 to $150000. The best examples of Complex apps are Scandit and OmniFocus. The maintenance cost of complex app development is $10000 to $20000. The complex app development update cost is $30000 to $100000.


  • Online streaming
  • Augmented Reality
  • Customization
  • Data Synchronisation
  • Video Chats

Step-by-Step Mobile App Development Process to Get Started

Step-by-Step Mobile App Development Process to Get Started

To build a successful business, here is the step-by-step mobile app development process to get started:

  1. Extensive Market Research

When creating an app for your brand, you must conduct research on your market. It will aid you in getting a clear understanding of how clients engage with business and market dynamics. Vast market research will aid you explore.

  • Who are your competitors?
  • What is their marketing strategy?
  • What are the weaknesses and strengths of app developers in the market?
  • What is their unique selling point?

You may surf the Google Play or Apple Store to know what is out there. If there are apps that fit the description, it is either good or bad. There is a possibility that there is no market for an app or there can be a new opening door for a new app to take benefit. You will learn all this from an extensive market research.

  1. Design

For users to get the best experience, you have to pay attention to the design of the app. If it turns out faulty or messy, users may not use your app and flock to competitors and abandon the app you have worked so hard on. This is the reason why it requires an effort when you want to develop an app that users love to use. Your UI/UX design has to be engaging, user-friendly, and innovative and must provide a seamless experience to your users. Style guides are created so that your branding is found in a single document. Style guides help you to plan the app’s design strategy. They aid in maintaining the consistency within the app. These records include the following aspects of the design of your app:

  • Widgets
  • Buttons
  • Spacing
  • Positioning instructions
  • Fonts
  • Color Scheme
  1. Select the right platform

Your application should be compatible with iOS and Android platforms. You should have a confined budget to develop an iOS or Android app. You may choose from different platforms such as:

  • Native App – With the assistance of development tools and language, developers can build an application on particular platforms such as iOS or Android.
  • Cross-Platform App/ Hybrid App – Single mobile application built on HTML5 and can operate on different platforms. They are downloaded from all the app stores.
  1. Hire an app development company

Hiring a reliable app development company ensures that your app has the latest functionalities and features within the desired timelines. A reliable app development company brings expertise to the table. A trustworthy app development company has a talented team of skilled designers, developers and testers who have in-depth knowledge of different mobile frameworks, programming languages and platforms.

  1. Build MVP

You should build a minimum viable product to validate your app idea. You can ask about the key USP and features of your app development company to develop an app accordingly.

  1. App Development

The next stage is the development stage where you start to write the code for the app. Here, you use the feedback that you received from the wireframes and make informed decisions. This is where agile or waterfall methodology is implemented. An agile approach is desirable for building a mobile application. Integrating an analytics engine into an app during app development is crucial. Create events for user interactions so that you may see how your app is used and the flow of users. This information becomes useful for knowing about your user.

  1. App Testing

Launching an app is a difficult job. You don’t have any idea how the mobile app you developed will perform when it gets released. Strict app testing will aid you in getting feedback from your users, fix what needs to be fixed and earn visibility in app stores. App Testing is a crucial step when creating an app for your brand.

You must test everything from the user experience to, the performance of the app and content. You should define your target audience. It will aid you find the right testers. This will help you with relevant market analysis.  Eliminate bugs and Spot: Even the beta app version can be flawless as you are introducing it to your target audience. Try to fix all the bugs at the start of the testing phase.

  1. Submit the app to stores

After the testing phase, you are now ready to release the app to a wider audience. You may prefer to release on the iOS Android or both. Both the app stores have different guidelines when publishing a new app and both need a developer account with them. Once you complete app testing, you must submit your app to Apple or Play Store as per Google Developer guidelines.

  1. Track performance and Launch

Once you launch your app you can check whether users are downloading it. But your work is not finished yet. You have to track the app metrics and performance such as user experiences or any failures during specific events, profiles, social shares, actions, and emergent behaviour.

  1. App Maintenance

This stage starts at the same time as a release and must progress parallel. Maintenance is where you monitor app status, fix bugs and spots that are present and ensure that the app continues to work as expected. Updating your app for new versions of the iOS or Android is a maintenance part. Ongoing app maintenance never ends. Until you decide to discontinue support for your app, you must maintain your mobile application.

Top 5 App Development Companies

According to a Deloitte report, there are more than 750 million smartphone users and the market is projected to reach 1 billion users by 2025. Having a mobile app for your business has become a necessity or else you are missing a lot of opportunities in the market. Let us know the Top 5 Development Companies in more detail.

1. Intileo Technologies

Intileo Technologies logo

Intileo Technologies is one of the top it company in india who creates digital products and solutions that enhance business models. Intileo Technologies also provides web solutions that promote digital presence. Intileo Technologies is well-known for developing innovative mobile applications for seamless user experience for customers. It is well-known for its human-centred approach to mobile app development.

  • Founded in: 2016
  • Headquarters: Gurgaon, Haryana
  • Locations: Gurgaon, Noida and Bangalore
  • Operations in: India, UK, USA, Germeny, czech republic, Russia, UAE, Saudi Arabia
  • Glassdoor Rating: 4.7
  • Google Rating: 4.9
  • Hourly charges: $15 to $25

Services Offered

  • Digital Marketing
  • CRM Software
  • Testing
  • App Development
  • Web Development
  • Customized Software
  • UI/UX
  • Machine Learning
  • Analytics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Salesforce development
  • Flutter app development
  • Dart
  • PHP/Laravel
  • Java app development
  • React Native app development
  • Node js app development

2. Spec India

Spec India logo

Spec India is among the second top app development company in India. Spec India has 36 years of rich experience in web development, software development. They are well-known and have established their own space in the web development field.

  • Founded in: 1987
  • Headquarters: Ahmedabad
  • Locations: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Operations in: India and USA
  • Clutch Rating: 4.8
  • Hourly charges: $30 to $150

Services Offered

  • UI/UX Design and Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Custom Software Development
  • ERP
  • Cloud Computing Services
  • Enterprise Software Solutions
  • Web Development
  • Cloud Computing Services
  • Tableau
  • Power BI
  • Full-Stack Mobile App Development

3. Manek Tech

Manek Tech Logo

Manek Tech is among the top mobile app development companies in India. They offer expertise across different industries such as finance and healthcare providing solutions that cater to specific customer needs.

  • Founded in: 2011
  • Headquarters: Ahmedabad
  • Locations: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Operations in: India, UK, Germany and USA
  • Google Rating: 4
  • Glassdoor Rating: 3.4
  • Hourly charges: $30 to $200

Services Offered

  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • UI/UX
  • Web Development
  • AR/VR
  • Software Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Big data analytics

4. Dx Minds

DxMinds Technologies Logo

Dx Minds is among the top app development company in Bangalore, India. Dx Minds is a leading IT company offering various IT services. They have 16 years of rich experience in IT and have dedicated team who ensures to meet the specific client needs.

  • Founded in: 2008
  • Headquarters: Bangalore, India
  • Glassdoor Rating: 3.7
  • Operations in: India and Dubai
  • Hourly Charges: $26 to $50

Services Offered

  • Mobile App Development
  • Gaming App Development
  • Progressive App Development
  • ERP Software Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics

5. Quytech Technology

Quytech Technology Logo

Quytech Technology offers customized mobile app development. Quytech has talented team of experts who ensures to discuss everything in detail and meet the customer expectations. They ensure to offer the best customer experience to their prospects by developing the app as per their client needs.

  • Founded in: 2005
  • Headquarters: Gurgaon, Haryana
  • Glassdoor rating: 4.1
  • Clutch rating: 4.7
  • Operations in: UK, U.S, UAE and Europe
  • Hourly Charges: $18 to $25

Services Offered

  • Mobile app development
  • Game app development
  • Blockchain development
  • Metaverse development
  • Intelligence development

How Can Intileo Technologies Help You with Mobile App Development Cost Estimation?

Important Note: So, how much does it cost to develop a mobile app for any business? There is no prediction of how much it costs to develop an app. The above cost breakdown is the estimated average cost. The actual cost of app development depends on specific requirements. Contact Intileo Technologies to get exact app development cost.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The average cost of developing a mobile app ranges from $5000 to $100000. But exact cost is considered by business model, type, development team and complexity.

Factors that influence the app development cost –

  • Android and iOS platforms
  • coding language
  • design guidelines
  • software development kit

The app development maintenance cost after launch ranges from $1000 to $20000.

Developing an app takes 2 months to a year depending on the app’s complexity.

Yes, the hybrid app has the same performance and user experience as native apps. The hybrid app is cheaper than native apps.

Prioritize essential features, leverage teams, select the right approach to development and define clear objectives to reduce the development cost of an app.

About Us

We build digital solutions & products that drive & enhance business models.
Welcome to Intileo Technologies, where we listen to you and develop solutions for your business. We partner with you and ensure the solution is developed for your business within TAT and Budget.
We are a team of enthusiastic developers always working on current, new, and futuristic technologies. Hence giving you the best solution on the latest technologies.

Copyright (c) 2023 intileo technologies. All rights reserved.

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